Classic Jenga Want a game experience that combines friends, skill, suspense, laughter, and maybe a little luck? You gotta get the Classic Jenga game! It’s the perfect game for everyone, with edge-of-your-seat, gravity-defying action. Do you dive right in and pull your block, or take your time and study the stack? Any way you choose, show your Jenga style! How do you stack up? It’s a simple equation. Gather your friends together, throw in a lot of laughter and a little attitude, and get the Classic Jenga party started. Pull the block, stack it on top, and hope the tower doesn’t crash down! Classic Jenga is the easy game that you can play anytime, anywhere – and any way you like. Whether you are serene, scientific, or sneaky when you choose your block, you’ll have fun. Be the life of your party with Classic Jenga! The classic wood block game Be creative with the Classic Jenga game! Play by our rules, or make up your own! Classic Jenga is so simple and uncomplicated, you can play any way you want to. Got a few minutes? Play solo by yourself and beat your own highest tower. Friends around? Break out the blocks, stack them up, and go. You can play it safe and pull the loosest block you can find. Or take a chance on a block that’s a tighter fit. The tower may crash or stand, but either way it’s the ultimate block party! The game of skill, suspense, and style! It’s all about the blocks. Build the tower by stacking layers of blocks. Then take turns pulling just the right block. The tower might teeter, but as long as it doesn’t fall you’re still in the game. As the blocks head for the sky, the suspense grows. Keep the blocks balanced, and you win! "